Saturday, March 28, 2015


This is our first post on our move to London.  It is hard to believe that our house will go up for sale in less than one year from now.  We're not worried about selling the house since houses here sell within 1-2 weeks and get what they asking for.

Commission is an ugly reality of selling though and I (James) will attend a "Commission Free" seminar in April to see how this works.  Why pay a real estate 'tax' if you don't have to?

Also, a new highway is being built just up the street and a new shopping mall.  All ready for the end of 2015!  This is good news of course when selling a house.  Close to major infrastructure always puts the house value up.

We have made up our mind where we want to live in London when we arrive.  We have a pretty good plan.  It is:

  • We go to London in May, 2016 and find a flat in the Earl's Court area
  • We will be prepared to live there for 6 months to 1 year
  • Odette will look for work (I will simply continue in my current job.. or transfer to the UK company)
  • Once we are settled, we will look for a property to purchase.

So it seems pretty seamless!  Not really scary but a huge adjustment especially for Odette.