Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Pushy ReMax man

The real estate market here is red hot.  So much so, that estate agents are having to reduce their commission since houses basically sell themselves.

We had a knock on the door the other night from a ReMax agent.  He pointed to the house a few doors up that he had just sold for what we gather was $30k over asking.  He said we could get something similar.  When we told him we were not moving to next year.. he then upped his cash in hand estimate by $25k.  We did indicate that his 5% commission was ridiculous and that we'd look at services such as "CommFree" etc.

He was so busy talking that we doubt he was listening anyway.  Here's the bottom line.

It is so easy to sell houses that he thinks that he can just place a "For Sale" sign on the lawn and make tens of thousands of dollars in a few days.  Very pushy indeed.

He just wouldn't shut up.  We recommended to him that he switch to "Decaf" coffee.

But... this is all good.  It's both a buyers and sellers market.  It's too early still to tell what we will get for the house; but right now, it's looking like we will get 5%-10% more than we have planned for.

Timing is everything!