Friday, August 28, 2015

August Update

Seems in every blog we always say "Can't believe how fast time is going by..."  Or something like that :-)

We have a plan that includes almost 50 things to do!  As simple as shredding papers and taking garbage to the dump, to ensuring our Barclay's International account is open.

But more pressing than anything is Odette's privacy certification exam coming up in a matter of days now.

This is a big deal.

Months and months of studying 7 days a week, nights and so on will ensure Odette will pass.  Of that, I have no doubt.  And after that, it's on to taking the European 'flavour' of the privacy certification.

So.. not much new other than working our plan (and we can categorically say, a plan is a 'must' -- not an option -- a must).

After Odette's exam, we're off to Hawaii for a week which will be most welcome.

We'll update at the end of September.  At that time, we should have our Barclay's account open, the Garage cleaned and other "thing's" gone from the house.  And Odette will be approaching the day when she leaves work.  That will be emotional -- but much greener pastures lie ahead.

James and Odette Young,
August, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

July update


Sadly my Father passed away on July 2nd, so July was quite a stressful time.  One of the things we did do however -- actually had to do -- was take my parents remains back to Scotland and scatter their ashes there.

That went well and we found a nice area overlooking the sea,  Of course it was cold and raining but that's just a typical Scottish summer day!

We took the opportunity to spend some time in London and explored both Canary Wharf and Earl's Court where we met Toby from House Hunters International.  We both loved Canary Wharf.  It is new, quiet (relatively speaking!) and the flats there are amazing.  We met an Estate agent that we will use.  Odette gave him a comprehensive list of requirements for the flat!

Earl's Court is nice and we visited two flats.  Both were disappointing in different ways. Great area, but the flats were a letdown.  So... Canary Wharf it is.

As an aside Canary Wharf is just a 15-20 minute tube ride to Piccadilly Circus (which is the theater district).  We saw Thriller! which really makes you believe you have actually seen Michael Jackson.  Unbelievable.

After the show we had dinner in a very vibrant Piccadilly Circus (close to midnight at this time).  Now.. wouldn't it be nice to just get on the tube and go back to a beautiful, quiet Canary Wharf flat overlooking the Thames?  Soon.